Nicola Radde

Ocean Riviera Paradise

Riviera Maya

Well, my review is going to be a long one. It is long overdue. I went to Riviera Maya in April. Nicola was the one that booked everything for me. Well this is testimony of how well of a job she did because its been 2 months and I can still remember everything she did for me. This was my first ever trip with my family to a resort. I was like a baby and Nicola being the kind hearted person she is, helped me all through my trip. I told her that I have 2 boys aged 5 & 7 and I would like to go to a resort where they can enjoy. I also told her my budget. She found me the perfect resort where not only could the boys enjoy but my wife and myself could enjoy too. I also told her it was my 10th wedding anniversary. and she made sure that I had the perfect anniversary trip ever!!!!!She even checked my passports to make sure that all the paperwork was in order. She also told me what to expect when I land in Mexico and who to look for (the travel agents and what they will be wearing and who not to go with). She kept on checking with me all the while I was there. Here is an example of how good her service is. When I was about to leave to the resort, I told Nicola that I hope I can get reservations to a teppanyaki restaurant and she told me that I had to go to the resort to make the arrangements as she tried calling the resort and that's what they told her. When I got to the resort, unfortunately, the restaurant was fully reserved. I was a little heart broken because I had my heart set to show my boys and wife what teppanyaki was. I went on my normal trip and on the second day I got a message through facebook messenger and it was Nicola checking in to see how everything was. Yes, she actually took the time to make sure the trip was going fine I mean that's just awesome customer service right there!!!! I told her everything was good and she asked me if I managed to get the teppanyaki restaurant and I told her no because it was fully booked. She said she was sorry and told me to continue enjoying my trip no matter what. I did just that. That night, my butler ( as I was in the priviledge site) called my room and told me that We have gotten a reservation at the teppanyaki restaurant!!!!! I was shocked!! I got a message from Nicola the next day asking me if I had got the reservation to the restaurant. I mean she pulled whatever strings she had to get me a reservation!!!! Without even telling me she would do that!!!!!! I was blown away with the level of customer service. She made it her point to make sure that I had the most awesome trip ever that I could remember for a lifetime!! She followed up to make sure everything was good while I was on the trip. She even went on to tell the resort it was our 10th anniversary and we had anniversary greetings from the resort upon our arrival and a 2 storey room with a balcony on the top floor overlooking the ocean with an awesome view! If you ask me, I have found my forever travel agent. That is how big of an impact she has made on me with her exceptional customer service.

Vik D

Plan Your Best Trip Ever!

"Riviera Maya"